Sleep to Earn Game Development: Developing a Blockchain-Based Sleep To Earn NFT Platform for Rest-Based Rewards

As a top-notch sleep-to-earn app development company, Dappsfirm offers blockchain-based sleep-to-earn NFT platform development services for earning NFTs, and crypto tokens.


The Sleep Revolution: Building an NFT Platform that Rewards Rest and Recharges Your Crypto Wallet

Stepping into the world of digitalization, Many advancements are on the way opening doors to earn money in plenty. Web 3.0 and blockchain technology are ensuring hope by providing security at a top-notch level. Crypto Enthusiasts are offered many ambiguities to take back the rewards by engaging themselves in some activities like playing, performing exercises, sleeping, and so on. One such popularity-gaining area is the sleep-to-earn model, where a person can receive rewards in the form of NFTs while sleeping. Sleep to Earn NFT development is discussed in detail below to assist you with its benefits. Take a tour of it.

Overview of Sleep-to-Earn

Play-to-earn and Move-to-earn are well-known terms to all enthusiasts of crypto. Being easily understandable, the above terms imply one can earn rewards by playing games. P2E games are the most revolutionizing model and many platforms are in trend now like Axie infinity, Alien worlds, Splinterlands, Gods unchained, and so on. To grasp more information about these P2E games, you can peep through our website. Resembling the same in all functionalities, Sleep-to-Earn is another model occupying the crypto space wisely. Sleep-to-Earn represents earning rewards in the form of NFTs by sleeping. These NFTs can be exchanged to any form of cryptocurrency in the future.

Working Mechanism of Sleep-to-Earn Ecosystem

  • Functioning strategies of a Sleep-to-earn NFT ecosystem include a series of steps that can pinmark the high efficiency as follows:
  • Users need to register on the ecosystem and integrate their crypto wallet to begin the journey. 
  • Signing into the platform enables access to the NFT Sleep to Earn ecosystem and selecting the type of bed to match their sleeping hours. Each bed denotes a specific duration of sleeping hours. 
  • The final step will be to purchase the bed using the native tokens. The earned tokens can also be used for lending, borrowing, buying, selling, and exchanging the assets gained.

Benefits Obtained by developing a Sleep-to-Earn ecosystem

Transparency and Security:  Our White Label Sleep to Earn NFT ecosystems are decentralized, having higher transparency and security features.
Scarcity: This feature allows the users to have a better experience.

Smart Contracts: Smart Contracts are implemented to enable the prevention of fraud activities.
Faster Settlement and customizable:  Our White label Sleep-to-Earn NFT platform enhances faster transactions and can be customized according to your requirements.

Creation of Sleep-to-Earn NFTs
NFTs will be the rewards earned for sleeping. As these serve as the ultimate target to achieve, users can make use of it and proceed with the transactions. At Dappsfirm, we have the best token creators, who can develop NFTs for the sleep-to-earn ecosystems based on the needs.

Step by step Procedure for developing White Label Sleep-to-Earn NFT Ecosystem

Development from scratch: Developing the sleep-to-earn NFT ecosystem from scratch can be enhanced by our efficient developers. As they are masters in rendering highly programmable codes, you can make the choice of creating the platform from the beginning. The process involves various stages, therefore it is a long procedure and is costly. But we can act accordingly as per your demands.

By providing White Label solutions: Our white Label solutions for creating the Sleep-to-Earn NFT platform help many business persons as they satisfy their prerequisites. We can customize the platform according to your specifications. Some of the important steps we follow while developing your white-label Sleep-to-earn NFT platforms are:

Fixing the goal: Clear objectives must be fixed by the user before proceeding with the development process.

Gathering the demanded points: Our team of scholars understands deeply the requirements kept in front by the clients. Based on that the market research goes on to collect the eminent attributes to be added to the Sleep-to-Earn NFT platform.

Planning and Designing: Pin marking the points to be incorporated, we form the road maps accordingly. Based on that, the next step is carried out for the proper design implementation.

Testing and Deployment: After successful development, we transfer the work to our testing team, to perform various tests. Multi-tests can eradicate the bugs and errors to go ahead for deployment.

Cost of Developing White Label Sleep-to-Earn NFT Platform

Cost estimation for developing the white Label Sleep-to-Earn NFT platform entirely depends on the features, specifications and functionalities to be added in the script. As we value clients and their demands, we can offer cost-effective solutions. Get Started..!!!!!

Why Choose Dappsfirm for White Label Sleep-to-Earn NFT Platform Development? 

Dappsfirm is in a class all by itself in developing a white-label Sleep-to-earn NFT ecosystem with all classic add-ons. Our previous work for our clients proves our stability in providing reliable solutions for any Blockchain-enabled platform. With a team of 150+ blockchain developers, we not only offer to serve the needs of our clients but also we engage in resolving the difficulties of our clients in a friendly way. Each and every service we offer tends to enhance your projects with admirable profits. Business progression in a short period will help you to find a unique place in the market and we strive hard with our efforts to place you there. 

  • Knowledgeable Blockchain developers with 13+ years of experience
  • Not only Perfection but also keen attention to your needs
  • Quicker reverts from our side to solve the puzzles
  • Separate sessions to hear your demands and to provide appropriate guidelines
  • Scalable solutions post-project delivery
  • 24/7 customer support
  • Sales team to support you with their proposals to endeavor your business growth.

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